Friday, February 28, 2014

Come Unto Christ

Sunday, we went to a member's house for dinner. Usually, we come prepared with a message about Christ to share with the families that feed us. We thought we were going to be the teachers. This time though, we were the ones who needed a message.

During dinner, one of the kids started talking about a video that they love to watch as a family. It was a new music video for youth called, "Come Unto Christ." The teenage daughter pulled it up on the television and we all gathered around to watch.

As I listened, I saw reflections of myself. I was given a unique perspective as I recalled who I was as a youth and where I found myself now. I know that it is only because of Christ that I was given the hope I needed to pull through my moments of darkness. Now, I can look up and see the light that was always there, leading me on.

We all face our moments of darkness. We all have different situations. We all feel heartache and sorrow. But one thing I know is that no matter who we are or what we face, our eternal worth is more than we can even begin to imagine. 

I know I have a Savior that loves me and can see that worth even when I can't and I know without a doubt that you do too. Never give up on yourself. Keep looking forward. When we walk in faith, the future is always brighter than the past.

I leave you my testimony that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the very Son of God. He suffered and died for us so that we never have to be alone. He always has his arms outstretched. All we need to do is come unto Him.

Remember who you are.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My New Life

This week, one of my companions was sick, so I stayed home to care for her. At one point, we sat and watched practically every Mormon Message known to man. As we did, I rediscovered this video about Stephanie Neilson. What an amazing woman!

Learning about Stephanie and her story is actually what inspired me to start blogging. Two years ago, I started a blog called "The Wind is Blowing." It documented some of the trials and feelings I felt after the passing of my mother. Now, I have this blog to document all my new adventures as a missionary for the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I know that I still have a lot to learn, but I pray that one day, I will be able to be as powerful of a force for good as Stephanie Neilson has allowed herself to be. Here is her story:

We all face different challenges in life. Some cope with loss of sight, hearing, or even a loved one. Others struggle to adapt to new challenges and cultures. However, each of us can rest assured that we have the strength to make it through because YOU have a Heavenly Father who loves you and a Savior to carry you. I know this to be true. I have seen it in my life and I promise you can see it too.

When life gets hard, just look forward in faith and say, "This is my new life."

I believe in you. Will you believe in yourself?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Elect Lady

Last month, we had a special sisters meeting for all of the sister missionaries in my area. We were put into groups of four, given a woman from the scriptures along with a Christ-like attribute, and asked to give a discussion on how that woman showed that attribute.

My group was assigned Emma Smith and charity.
Emma Hale Smith: The first president of the oldest women's organization in the United States. The faithful, loving wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 
Charity: n. the pure love of Christ. It is the highest, noblest, and strongest kind of love and the most joyous to the soul.
Getting to study her life more in depth was such an amazing experience. She has been an amazing example to me in my life. I have always felt a curious attachment to her, so I was ecstatic to hear the assignment.

Just before her husband, Joseph Smith, was martyred at Carthage Jail, he responded to her request for a blessing. He told her if she wrote one, he would sign it when he returned home. This is some of what she wrote:
"I desire the Spirit of God to know and understand myself, that I might be able to overcome whatever of tradition or nature that would not tend to my exaltation in the eternal worlds. I desire a fruitful, active mind, that I may be able to comprehend the designs of God, when revealed through His servants without doubting. ...I desire... that I may wear a cheerful countenance... and be a blessing to all..."

Her words show such love and devotion to her Heavenly Father. In all she did, she showed charity for others, often caring for their welfare above her own. I believe that the words she wrote in that blessing from the Lord expresses the desires of my heart as well. I believe that is why I love Emma.

May we all love a little deeper, act a little kinder, and serve a little more.