Monday, January 13, 2014

Farmers of Men

Sometimes, O Lord, I question why
Life is full of thorns and weeds.
As the days go passing by
I find I'm mainly planting seeds.

A few will grow and harvest be;
Yet, most are chocked and killed by weeds.
O Lord, thy field please help me see,
The ground you have prepared for seeds.

When you get discouraged, just look forward in life. Continue with a prayer in your heart. Don't turn back to the things you leave behind. Just look forward to what lies ahead. The Lord has a plan and he will help us to "hasten the work of salvation" as we seek for His help and guidance.

Monday, January 6, 2014

What is Dignity?

Dignity: n. 1) impressive self-control of behavior in difficult situations. 2) self respect, a proper form of pride
So, last week, we had an interesting experience. We went over to visit a family we have been teaching. One of the father's friends was over. He suggested we speak outside.

He then proceeded to try to tear us down in every way. We just stood there and listened. He was far too heated to try to reason with him.

This got me thinking about what the Savior experienced. How did He handle situations like that? How about Joseph Smith and the early members of our Church?

As I stood there being called a liar, I was able to stand tall knowing that what I believe is true. I could think back on the poise and dignity of Joseph Smith and his beloved wife Emma. I knew that all I could do was represent the Savior and His love for all mankind.

Dignity comes from knowing who you truly are.

We all face adversity in life. We are all called to stand for what we know is right at some point or another. We all must choose to keep our dignity, to remember who we are.