Monday, December 23, 2013

What Shall We Give?

So this last week has been great! A lot of people have been asking if it is hard to be away from family at Christmas time. While I love you all dearly, it has amazed me how wonderful this Christmas has been so far. It is so nice to be away from all of the commercial distractions and just be able to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

There have been so many people giving us little gifts and packages. As missionaries, we move around so much, we can't take much with us. So, it has been so much fun to look around to see who needs uplifting and a sign of care. While I have not been physically with my earthly family, I have rarely felt so close to my Elder Brother, my Savior, Jesus Christ and to our Heavenly Father as I have this Christmas.

Monday, Sister Asay and I organized a group of missionaries to go caroling at a nursing home. It was such an amazing experience. During our singing, I felt inspired to go around and talk to each person individually. There was one woman in particular that I met. Her name is Gene. She was so appreciative of our visit that she began to cry as she expressed her thanks. It was such a blessing to be able to see how our influence affected another soul so greatly. We went back to see her on Friday and plan to make our visits a regular occurrence. If you ever need upliftment in your life, go and help someone else.

This last week, I have been thinking about a scene from a movie called The Restoration. In it, there is a scene where Joseph Smith and some others are helping an older woman with some things. She says to Joseph, "It is awfully kind of you to help, but I still don't agree with your religion." Joseph stops, looks at her and just says, "Ma'am, that is my religion." Lately, I have been trying to be better at living that religion. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is patterned after the way He lived His life: losing Himself in the service of others.

As we celebrate Christmas this year, I hope you will join with me in remembering the true meaning of Christmas.

Don't forget that as fun as Santa Clause is, he is also a representation of the Savior. He is meant to remind us of the gifts that Christ has given us; thereby, prompting us to give good gifts to others.

I love you and your Savior, Jesus Christ loves you. May you always find joy in the service of others. <3

Monday, December 2, 2013

Divine Image

In the looking glass, I see
Something very strange
It seems quite clear to me
There's been a mighty change.

The longer that I peer, I find
That it's not me I see;
Is it only in my mind
That Christ stares back at me?

Am I really that divine?
Am I made in His image?
I blink and see the eyes are mine,
But the light in them is His.

Photo: “God loves you as He loves each and every one of His children, and His desire and purpose and glory is to have you return to Him pure and undefiled, having proven yourselves worthy of an eternity of joy in His presence.” 
-President Ezra Taft Benson