The Ups
The highlight of the week was probably the baptism that we had on Saturday. She was so happy, she was glowing. Everything about her just seemed radiant! I felt overwhelmed with joy just looking at her. I am so privileged to get to know her. She has strengthened me in so many ways.The Downs
One of the biggest challenges of last week was probably just feeling down. Sometimes I just get those times where I find myself sad and it takes me a while to realize that it is because I miss my mom. She passed away last July.Even when it is hard, I take comfort in studying the Plan of Salvation and knowing that she is with my two siblings that passed away, that she is resting from all her health problems, and that she is learning to appreciate the wonderful woman that she is. I look forward to getting to go to the temple at the end of this transfer. I can always feel her closer when I am in the temple. It has always been one of my favorite places; no matter what is going on in life, I walk into the temple and know that I am home.