This poem was written about the coming end to my service as a full-time missionary. I have two months left and it is starting to feel real. However, I wrote it to also double as an end to this life. I find that the most growth comes in those moments where we evaluate where we are and create a vision of where we want to go. I want to be faithful to what I know and believe in to the very end of my life, always being found in the service of others.
Is is really my time,
Oh, Lord must I go?
At the end of the road,
Do my efforts now show?
Did I labor with all
My heart and my might
Or was I distracted
And lost out on light?
Did I keep all my cov'nants
Or just see the rules?
Did I learn from His wisdom
Or seek to please fools?
Did I trust in my Savior?
Did I truly become?
When I struggled within
To His feet did I run?
Did I make my Lord proud?
When I see him again
Will I praise Him aloud
Or hide shameful in sin?
Now I look back and see
Through the course of my days
He saved my poor soul
In a number of ways.
No words can express
The thoughts of my heart.
He whispers to me
"You've finished your part."
There's really no ending
It's time to move forward
To another beginning
So keep looking onward.
Yes, I'm ready to go
My departure is near
And the love of my Lord
Erases all fear.
I have fought a good fight
While my Lord kept me safe.
I have finished my course
I have kept strong the faith.
2 Timothy 4:16-17
D&C 4:2
A Marvelous Work in Montana
A blog about faith, growth, and service. Follow the adventures of Sister Taylor Finnell as she travels around Montana serving an 18 month service mission. #MeetTheMormons
Monday, December 1, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Meet the Mormons
Over the years, I have heard sooo many different ideas about what Mormons believe. Being one of them, I have always been intrigued by those ideas.
Isn't it fun to break the mold? I think so.
Meet the Mormons is a new film that will be in theaters starting October 10th, 2014.
It is the story of 6 individuals and their journey's through life.
For more info, see All proceeds will go to the Red Cross.
Isn't it fun to break the mold? I think so.
Meet the Mormons is a new film that will be in theaters starting October 10th, 2014.
It is the story of 6 individuals and their journey's through life.
"Jermaine Sullivan works full-time as an academic counselor to 200 students in order to support his wife and three kids. He also volunteers full-time as a Bishop of a Mormon church in Atlanta, Georgia. He leads his diverse congregation with youthful exuberance while shattering stereotypes of what it means to be a Mormon Bishop."
For more info, see All proceeds will go to the Red Cross.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Remember Thy Faith
Father, I'm empty;
Father, I'm lost.
I've done as thou asked,
But I've not paid the cost.
Someone has suffered;
Someone has cried.
But who was that man
That for me hath died?
I know all the stories;
I know what to say,
But do I reflect
Outside of Sunday?
Am I seeking for glory?
Am I seeking for fame?
Or am I just trying
To help Him reclaim?
Others are lost;
Others don't see
The blessings that come
Because of belief.
Father, I love them;
Father, I'm here.
Send me thy children
That need rest from fear.
I'll trust in my Savior;
I'll trust in my faith.
I know who it is
That saved me by grace.
See Ether 12:6 and 1 John 4:18
Father, I'm lost.
I've done as thou asked,
But I've not paid the cost.
Someone has suffered;
Someone has cried.
But who was that man
That for me hath died?
I know all the stories;
I know what to say,
But do I reflect
Outside of Sunday?
Am I seeking for glory?
Am I seeking for fame?
Or am I just trying
To help Him reclaim?
Others are lost;
Others don't see
The blessings that come
Because of belief.
Father, I love them;
Father, I'm here.
Send me thy children
That need rest from fear.
I'll trust in my Savior;
I'll trust in my faith.
I know who it is
That saved me by grace.
See Ether 12:6 and 1 John 4:18
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
My Eternal Family
There have been a lot of things that have helped over time to look forward in hope. There is the knowledge that her spirit lives on, that she is learning to see herself the way she couldn't while she was here, and that I will see her once again. There is also the joy of reminiscing, it always brings a smile to think of all the good times that we had together.

When I was younger, I used to wonder how I could really be involved. I didn't understand the website. The whole idea of finding names and dates of my ancestors was overwhelming.
Recently, however, we have started using family history more in our missionary work. As we explored what it really is and how we can use it, we filled out a booklet with stories and pictures of our ancestors. It brought a lot of peace. I was able to put stories and pictures on and link them to my mother's profile. It brought me closer to her. It helped me remember the good times and appreciate her sacrifices.
There is power in family history. Anyone who really engages themselves in it and comes to love that work will be able to testify of the spirit of love that it brings.
Because, really, this is what the Gospel is all about. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the fundamental unit is the family.
Our central message is simple: Through Jesus Christ and His Atonement, all people will have an opportunity to return home to a loving Heavenly Father and live eternally as a family.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Who is God?
God is Your Loving Heavenly Father
He is not some abstract idea or concept. He is the father of your spirit. He knows and loves you. He wants to bless you in your life.
"Just think of it: You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious being in the universe! You are loved by the King of infinite space and everlasting time.” ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Because He loves us, He sent our Savior Jesus Christ to show us the way and to give us hope.

“God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.” ~Thomas S. MonsonWe Never Walk Alone
Questions of the Soul

If you have questions about anything written above or pertaining to your relationship with your Heavenly Father or His son, Jesus Christ, find answers on a website all about Christ.
Friday, April 25, 2014
My Yoke is Easy
I've spoken of this experience before, but over this last Easter weekend, it has come back to my heart and mind. I hope that I can do some good in sharing it.
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to go on an adventure!! I went with some other youth from my church. I tried to be minimalistic as I packed supplies for the week into a hiking backpack. My older brother kindly took the heavier things in his pack.We loaded up the cars and drove to the rim of the Grand Canyon where the trail began. From there, we hiked 10 miles to the Native American village of Havasupai and then another 2 miles to our campground. As a 14 year old, my pack felt pretty heavy by the end, but I soon forgot that as we set up camp and then jumped into the cool river to play. The week passed by and we all had a blast.Eventually, it was time to head home. We set out late afternoon and camped halfway along the trail. We hoped to miss the heat of the day as we finished our hike the next morning. Unfortunately, that didn't quite work.Exhausted and sweaty, I reached the switchbacks-- a part of the trail that zigzags back and forth to avoid creating an impossible incline. This was the last stretch. I tried to keep pace with another 14 year old, even smaller than I was. If he could do it, so could I. Every step, I told myself, "One more step. I can take at least one more. I just have to reach that rock ahead of me..."Fortunately, I had an older brother who was looking out for me. He was one of the first to make it up to the top. He saw me making my way and knew I was probably struggling and tired. He ran to me. He traded his bottle of water for my heavy burden. As I took a gulp of the cool water, I could feel the wind on my back. A burst of energy hit my limbs. I thought, "Yes, I can make it!"With my brother carrying my load, we walked side by side. Through his encouragement, I made the rest of the journey. With a sigh of relief, I was able to rest.Just like that, we all have mountains-- or canyons-- to climb. We may have a heavy load on our backs. You may wonder, "Can I really make this?" Maybe you wonder why you should even try.Don't give up.I testify that we all have an Elder Brother who went before us. As the Son of God, He walked this life, and He took our place. He sees our struggles and knows our pain. He suffered and died on the cross the He may know how to comfort His people "according to their infirmities." He rose from the dead, that we may also live. He showed us the way.As he walks by our side, He pleas:"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Braving the Storm
Do you ever feel like you are tossed upon the sea of uncertainty, with waves of turmoil crashing all around?
Yeah, that was me a couple weeks ago. Some might call it the refiner's fire. Those periods of life that are so intense and difficult that they can purify your character and forge your very nature.
Lately, a few of the people I love and serve have been experiencing a bit of their own refiner's fire. Some have dealt with bitterness and heartbreak. There has been homelessness, tragedy and turmoil. Watching them try to cope, my hear was filled with compassion and love. Sometimes, I am even brought back to the challenges that I have faced in my life.
Last week, my mind was called to reflect upon the hardest time of my life so far. The period of time when all seemed to hang in the balance. I questioned everything. Was I going to return and follow the beliefs I had treasured all my life? Would I listen to the light within me or stay in a pit of despair? Did I really believe that God loved me? Was I even worth it?
In my reflection, I have tried not to be discouraged. (That doesn't really do much good. I've tried it.) Instead, I want to figure out how I can use those trials and that heartache to help lift and inspire others. I have tried to brainstorm ways to help those we teach feel their Savior's love and know that they never walk alone.
The thing I have found to be most healing in my life is the power of forgiveness. Truly, to forgive is to allow yourself to be released form the binding and destructive power of anger and hurt. The miracle of forgiveness is that when we are not capable on our own, the Atonement of Jesus Christ makes all things possible. When atoning for our mistakes and sins, He saw our weakness. He felt our pain. And He tasted our sorrow. No one can more perfectly understand our needs and cares that the One who took our place.
There is relief. There can be peace. Just reach out and take His hand.
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." ~Matthew 11:28-30
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